MELUS Journal

MELUS_37n2_c1First published in 1974, MELUS features articles, interviews, and reviews encompassing the multi-ethnic scope of American literature past and present. Most issues are thematically organized for greater understanding of topics, criticism, and theory in the total picture of American literature MELUS hopes to present.

MELUS is published by Oxford University Press for members and subscribing institutions. The Journal is a non-profit publication, supported solely by dues of Society member and library subscriptions. The editorial office is supported by the University of Nevada at Las Vegas.

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Gary Totten is the Editor-in-Chief.

Elena Brokaw is the Managing Editor.

Christopher González is the Book Review Editor.

Address journal correspondence to:
Department of English
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway
Box 45011
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5011

The journal is issued four times a year, in March (Spring), June (Summer), September (Fall), and December (Winter).

MELUS is indexed and abstracted in Arts and Humanities Citation Index, American Humanities Index, MLA Bibliography, International Bibliography of Periodical Literature and International Bibliography of Book Reviews. The MELUS Cumulative Index, Volume 1-16 (1974-1990) is available from Oxford University Press.

The journal is available through University Microfilms International in 16mm microfilm, 105mm microfiche, and article copies. Requests for rates and orders should be sent to: UMI, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346.

Advertising inquiries and requests to reprint material from MELUS should be directed to Oxford University Press.