
MELUS Journal Article Authors Fusco & Olman Win Award!

Katherine Fusco and Lynda C. Olman’s MELUS article, “Techniques of Justice: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Data Portraits and the Problem of Visualizing the Race,” has been awarded this year’s 1921 Prize in American literature. Here’s a link to the article:
The 1921 Prize in American Literature is awarded by the American Literature Society to the best article of the year in any field of American literature, published in a select group of scholarly journals, including MELUS. Here’s more about the prize: At the link, you can find the list of journals from which submissions are invited, and you’ll see that it’s a rather select list. So this is good news for the journal and society, and also a well-deserved recognition of Fusco and Olman’s excellent scholarship!